John T. Moran
VP of Digital Forensics
John is a Digital Forensics and Incident Response professional with extensive experience in the areas of Information Technology, Law Enforcement, Digital Forensics and Incident Response. He has a Master of Business Administration degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University (AACSB), a Master of Science degree in Information Assurance from Dakota State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Forensics and Digital Investigations from Champlain College.
John previously served as a Computer Forensic Analyst for the Maine State Police Computer Crimes Unit, where he worked on a wide variety of State and Federal investigations. After leaving the Maine State Police, John joined a global security consulting company where he provided digital forensics and incident response consultative services for several large enterprises across the world. John served as a consultant for many private clients and government organizations prior to joining RJ Goan & Associates to lead our Digital Investigations Team. The forensics team is comprised of examiners providing services within the areas of digital forensics and network security.
eric bell
forensic examiner
scott lavoie
forensic examiner
Jennifer king
foresnic examiner